Take the Time....and Look Closely...

Today I went for a quick shopping with my mom...afterwards we stopped by at the grocery store, my mom went inside while I stayed in the car..

That's when I saw someone...

An old man dragging his rusty cart in the middle of a sunny day collecting garbage from one place to another...I'm sure he's fasting too.

When people handing him those garbage bags, filthy water from the garbage was pouring down all over his feet...I'm sure it smells horrible.

His face looked awfully tired...

After finished collecting garbage bags, he dragged his half full cart away. But his eyes were still wandering around looking for garbages which scattered on the street corners, bottles, cartons, cans...I think anything that is still worth selling.

And I was there...sitting so frickin' comfortable inside my car listened to my iPod with the air conditioner kept giving me this cool comfortable breeze while he was out there probably the whole day in the heat picking up somebody else's garbage.

And I was there...just planning to save some money to go to Greece, while he probably thinking hard to save some money so his family could have a proper meal for tomorrow.

I kept complaining about the littlest things, how the air conditioner wasn't cool enough, how regret I am for not buying that cute boots the other day, how my laptop wasn't the one with the famous "bitten apple" logo on the cover...while he probably grateful with the one worn out cloth and a pair of nearly-ripped-off sandals that he wear that day.

I went to dozens countries, stayed in fancy hotels, went to see plays, ballets and orchestra in luxurious Opera houses, ate the smallest portion of food with unreasonable prices, bought ridiculously expensive purses, even earned my master degree abroad...and I'm still complaining!! x(

Complaining about something definite that I will surely have, that I only have to wait patiently just for a little bit more...

Anyway...when reality suddenly stroke me, I rushed to find some left money in my wallet, but shoot! I just remember that I spent that last rupiah to bought that cute bracelet :(

...and he drove away further and further until I couldn't saw him anymore.

my point is...


Many out there that are more unfortunate than those who are more fortunate than the rest of us.

Sadly, that are more which meets the eye with those who are more fortunate than those who are less fortunate.

Imagine seeing a pair of worn off sneakers and a pair of Manolo Blahnik highheels ;-) but when you think of it, don't you think your sneakers are wayyyy comfy enough that you wear them everyday until they look like it was just being blast off by land mines?? so you don't actually need those pair of delicious yet painful highheels, don't ya? ;p

Well, maybe all we have to do is try to look 'down' sometimes...not always 'up' ^_^ ...and that's when we realize how special and worthy enough our lives already are...

don't you agree?